Top 5 This Week

Showcasing the Potential of a Unique Way to Scale Up Soil Health

ProGro Bio has officially announced a decision to sponsor its second annual expansive nationwide in-field Rhizol microbial soil inoculant program with over 370 plots across 26 states. Building upon the success of company’s highly successful 2023 program, the development in question will try and demonstrate the strong efficacy of ProGro Bio’s Rhizol microbial soil inoculant across numerous crop targets, and at it will do so for hundreds of program participants. Talk about ProGro Bio’s Rhizol component, it is essentially a groundbreaking line of all-natural, organic, microbial soil inoculants which is formulated with 35 plant-beneficial microbial isolates in highly concentrated form. At present, the given component is available to growers through two revolutionary new biological product delivery methods i.e. a highly concentrated fully soluble powder form and a microbial infused planter talc. Another detail worth a mention here is rooted in how the integration of Rhizol product line actively paves the way for a rapid increase in soil biodiversity, thus leading to rejuvenation of soil, enhanced crop performance, greater yields, and more money in growers’ pockets. Coming back to ProGro Bio’s 2024 in-field microbial soil inoculant program, it will put on display several key observations that have been picked up by ProGro’s agronomists, crop consultants, and growers who are all going to participate in the initiative. These findings begin from a substantial increase in early season vigor across all crop types. Next up, the program will make a point to showcase what has been an impressively expedited root expansion and development. Joining the same is a finding which informs us on more aggressive vegetative growth, which has already birthed significantly increased photosynthetic activity and healthier plants.

“As Blake Young, ProGro Bio’s CEO announced earlier this year in March, the 2023 Rhizol in-field research program showcased Rhizol’s unique abilities across all crop types and situations. The Rhizol product line was proven to provide crops with a plethora of benefits including enhanced vegetative growth throughout the season (as depicted in photos here), consistent development of more robust root systems, substantially increased plant biomass, increased photosynthetic activity, and increased plant tolerance to adverse environmental conditions such as drought and excessive heat.” said Zach Lancaster, director of field research at ProGro.

Moving on, another key discovery set for exhibition here talks to relatively earlier and more expansive nitrogen fixation. The reason why this makes for a clear-cut highlight is relayed by its track record in achieving optimal nodulation across legume crops. Then, there is a discovery focused upon greater fruiting capacity. Such an improvement would end up playing a transformative role when it comes to generating higher yield potential in crops that have shifted to the reproductive growth stage. Rounding up the key pointers is better crop resilience which is now being increasingly observed against factors like heat, and even draught.

“The 2024 in-field research program is further confirming Rhizol benefits and solidifying the confidence of those who are using Rhizol. We are seeing a strong indication of continued excellent efficacy with Rhizol, and I am highly confident that the Rhizol product line will once again prove its great value,” said Lancaster.