Top 5 This Week

Unveiling Critical Outcomes from the Pursuit of a Healthier Ecosystem

Elanco Animal Health Incorporated has officially published results from its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, which focuses on the company’s efforts to advance its four intertwined Healthy Purpose™ Pillars: Healthier Animals, Healthier People, Healthier Planet, and Healthier Enterprise. In essence, the stated report highlights internal initiatives and strategic external partnerships that have long been foundational to Elanco’s Healthy Purpose. It also particularly educates us on how something like healthier animals can positively impact major global issues like food security, mental health, social isolation and environmental sustainability. Anyway, talk about the results on a slightly deeper level, we begin from Elanco’s work in the context of promoting animal health. This includes an all-new “Defend Puppies. Defeat Parvo.” initiative, which the company launched to enhance awareness regarding canine parvovirus, and at the same time, increase veterinarian access to canine parvovirus monoclonal antibody (CPMA). More on the latter would reveal how it did so through the establishment of a Elanco’s Defenders Fund, where the company offered up to $1 million in rebate incentives to veterinarians who purchase CPMA for treating the disease. Next up, the company introduced a AdTab® (lotilaner), a non-prescription oral monthly flea and tick product for both dogs and cats. Once launched, Elanco even ensured optimal accessibility and convenience for pet owners by offering AdTab across pharmacies, pet shops, and online platforms. Then comes the company’s bid to expand Elanco Knowledge Solutions (EKS) offering for dairy producers. Markedly enough, it did so through the introduction of Dairy Data Access System (DDAS) Plus. DDAS is basically a farm-level analytics platform which provides weekly reports across key areas of health and milk production, and therefore, supports decision making for producers.

Moving on to discuss what the company has done to promote healthy living among human beings. The push began from Elanco’s acquisition of marketed product portfolio for NutriQuest®. It is also concerned with the company’s bid to introduce these nutritional products in new markets and expand its portfolio of antibiotic alternatives. Joining the same is Elanco’s Dairy Antibiogram (DAB) initiative, which was essentially a partnership between Elanco and New Zealand dairy farms to enhance farmers’ ability in terms of selecting the most appropriate antimicrobial to trear mastitis in dairy cows, a painful udder infection that can be caused by a number of different pathogens. Not just that, the company also launched a Piloted Tick Academy. This one happens to be an educational mobile app for farmers for presenting content on integrated tick management, as well as contact information for nearby service providers and licensed veterinary retailers in support of Elanco’s Managing Animal Health and Acaricides for Better Africa (MAHABA) initiative.

Joining the same is an Elanco’s bid to enhance our environmental prospects. Here, the company has done everything from pioneering solutions that measure, reduce, and monetize customers’ carbon emissions on the farm, to minimizing the company’s own operational environmental footprint. Simply speaking, though, Elanco’s key environment-oriented initiative in 2023 covered achieving 12% of electricity use from renewable source, as well as reusing or recycling 91% of waste generated by the company, including production wastewater. The company also published a Sustainable Packaging Guideline to outline the key elements of its sustainable packaging program and describe where and how sustainability considerations influence engineering, design and sourcing decisions related to product packaging. Furthermore, it empowered U.S. dairy and beef customers avoid an estimated 2.3 million metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (CO2e) through the use of Rumensin®. In fact, for the period between 2020 and 2023, Elanco has helped customers avoid an estimated 9.5 million metric tons of emissions with Rumensin, approximately equivalent to taking more than 2.2 million passenger cars off the road for a year.

Beyond that, the company also preached a healthier enterprise at scale by participating in the U.N. Global Compact, contributing more than 23,600 employee volunteer hours to the global community with an estimated value of $790,000, and committing $3.7 million in corporate, foundation, and employee charitable and community giving etc.